Membership Opportunities for all healthcare professionals and Students.

Membership Criteria

As a member of Maxfac, you will embark on a journey of continuous learning and professional development in the field of Head and Neck Oncology. To ensure the highest standards of knowledge and expertise among our members, Maxfac has implemented a training and certification program specific to Head and Neck Oncology.

Upon joining Maxfac, you will have the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive training program designed specifically for members. The training will cover various aspects of Head and Neck Oncology, including diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and patient care. The program will be conducted through workshops, seminars, online modules, and interactive sessions led by experienced professionals in the field.

Following the completion of the training program, a certification exam will be administered to evaluate your understanding and competency in Head and Neck Oncology. This exam serves as a crucial step to validate your knowledge and skills in the field. Upon successfully passing the exam, you will be awarded a certificate, highlighting your achievement and expertise in Head and Neck Oncology.

It is important to note that the certification is not just a formality; it holds significance in maintaining the integrity and credibility of Maxfac as an organization. Only members who have successfully completed the training program and passed the certification exam will have their membership considered valid.

Maxfac places great emphasis on the commitment and dedication of its members to continually enhance their expertise in Head and Neck Oncology. Therefore, members who do not participate in the training program or fail to take the certification exam within the specified time frame will have their membership status reviewed. Non-compliance with the training requirements may result in the cancellation of membership.

However, Maxfac values the growth and development of its members and understands that circumstances may arise that prevent immediate participation in the training program. In such cases, members will have the opportunity to reapply for membership once they have completed the required training workshop and successfully cleared the certification examination.

By adhering to these training and certification standards, Maxfac ensures that its members possess the necessary skills and knowledge to provide the highest quality of care to head and neck cancer patients. We believe that this commitment to continuous learning and professional development will strengthen our collective ability to make a significant impact in the field of Head and Neck Oncology and provide optimal care for our patients.

Join Maxfac today, embrace the training, and earn your certification to become a valued member of the Maxfac community in the field of Head and Neck Oncology. Together, we will make a difference in the lives of head and neck cancer patients and contribute to the advancement of Head and Neck Oncology.

To know about the member benefits Click Here

Following are the minimum qualification requirements for joining the membership:

1) Students who are continuing any or more of the following :

2) Qualified Doctors in any of the following:

3) Other Healthcare Professionals/ Personnel (Only Qualified)
Nurses,OT Technicians,OT Assistants,Radiologist Technician.Medical Radio Diagnostic Technicians,Pathology Technicians, Medical Microbiologist

4) Others: ( Only Qualified) 
Geneticists, Gene Biologist, Cancer Biologist, Psychiatrists, Hospital Owners